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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-22 15:41:14  浏览:9294   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为了加强公路路政管理,维护公路完好,确保交通安全畅通,以适应国民经济发展和战略的需要,特制定本办法。
第二条 公路、公路用地和两侧留地及其一切附属设备(包括房屋、设施、机械和其它固定资产)都属国家财产,由交通部门及其所属的公路管理机构负责管理,任何单位或个人不得擅自占用。
第三条 保护公路路产,人人有责。对违犯路政管理,破坏路产的行为,人人有监督、检举、告发的权利和义务。公路沿线的社队、机关、学校、厂矿、企业、事业、驻军等单位,都应积极配合公路管理部门和交通监理部门进行爱护路产的宣传教育,保护路产不受损害;各级公安部门
第四条 为确保公路完好、畅通和行车安全,各单位和个人必须遵守下列规定:
第五条 凡违犯第四条各款者,按照情节轻重,本着初犯从宽,重犯从严的原则,采取批评教育与惩处相结合的办法,由公路管理部门按下列规定办理:1、违犯第四条第1至第8款,侵占、擅自利用公路及其附属设施,尚未造成损失者,应在接到通知后五日内移出、清理或停止利用
第六条 凡在公路路政管理和路产保护工作中作出显著成绩的集体和个人,公路管理部门、上级交通部门和各级人民政府可给予表扬,奖励,或授予护路模范、积极分子的光荣称号;对于积极组织、宣传路政管理有显著成绩的维护公路路产有功者,可发给适当的物质奖;对于检举告发
第七条 各级公路管理部门和路政管理人员,要履行职责,认真管理。对严重失职者,要根据情节,分别予以批评、处罚。
第八条 本办法授权省交通局解释。
第九条 凡本省公路均适用本办法。
第十条 各地区行政公署,各市、县人民政府要根据本办法,结合当地具体情况,制定实施细则。
第十一条 本办法自颁发之日起施行。

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第一条 为全面推进社会救助体系建设,保障农村困难居民的基本生活,将符合条件的农村贫困人口全部纳入保障范围,稳定、持久、有效地解决农村贫困人口的温饱问题,根据国务院《关于在全国建立农村最低生活保障制度的通知》(国发〔2007〕19号)和《陕西省农村居民最低生活保障暂行办法》(陕政发〔2007〕45号)等规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 农村居民最低生活保障(以下简称“农村低保”)是指政府对家庭成员年人均纯收入低于本市农村最低生活保障标准的农村居民予以适当救助的农村社会救济制度。凡持有本市常住农业户口者,均可依照本办法享受最低生活保障。

第三条 实施农村低保应遵循以下原则:







第四条 农村低保的范围是农村贫困家庭,即共同生活的家庭成员年人均纯收入低于当地最低生活保障标准的农村居民家庭,主要是因病残、年老体弱、丧失劳动能力以及生存条件恶劣等原因造成生活常年困难的农村居民。

第五条 农村低保标准按照能够维持农村居民全年基本生活所必需的吃饭、穿衣、用水、用电等费用进行确定,并随着当地生活必需品价格变化和人民生活水平提高状况适时进行调整。

第六条 农村低保标准的确定和调整,由市民政局、财政局提出意见,经市政府研究确定,报省政府备案后公布执行。


第七条 农村居民家庭收入是指共同生活的家庭成员全年货币收入和实物收入的总和。具体包括:








第八条 不计入家庭收入的项目:









第九条 农村低保的申请、审核和审批按下列程序执行:





第十条 农村低保实行分类施保。即最低生活保障金原则上在核实申请人家庭年人均纯收入的基础上,按照其家庭困难程度和类别,分档确定并发放。

第十一条 农村低保金凭《农村居民最低生活保障金领取证》领取,按季度实行社会化发放。

第十二条 农村低保资金管理发放程序。县区人民政府民政、财政部门接到市级拨付的农村低保资金后,应在5个有效工作日内分解拨付至各乡镇及县联社;乡镇人民政府接到拨款文件后应在5个有效工作日内向当地信用社提供办理手续所需的一切资料;信用社应在5个有效工作日内将低保资金注入低保对象个人账户。

第十三条 农村低保资金实行中、省、市、县区财政共同负担,以地方筹集为主。资金主要来源:






第十四条 市、县区财政每年要将农村低保工作经费列入预算。

第十五条 农村低保资金纳入社会救济专项资金支出科目,专项管理,专账核算,专款专用,封闭运行,严禁挤占和挪用。

第十六条 农村低保所需资金由市、县区民政部门根据当年保障标准、人数等因素测定,并于每年10月底前向同级财政部门提出下一年度资金预算计划,经财政部门审核后列入下一年度预算,按期拨付。

第十七条 农村低保工作应接受社会和群众监督。各级财政、审计、监察、民政部门应依法加强对农村低保资金使用情况的监督检查,及时纠正处理违法违纪行为。

第十八条 从事农村低保工作的人员,必须严格执行申报审查和资金发放程序。对工作中弄虚作假、优亲厚友,将不符合条件的人员纳入保障范围或不按规定公布(公示)申报和发放情况的,要视情节予以处理。

第十九条 低保档案管理与利用。审批类档案包括:县区人民政府民政部门批准享受最低生活保障的审批表;有关部门的入户调查表;低保对象的申请书、居民户口簿或居民身份证复印件;低保管理机构要求提供的家庭收入证明以及其他应当归档的材料。日常管理类档案包括:县区人民政府民政部门停发、增发、减发低保金的审批表和有关审核材料;低保对象参加公益活动记录;低保对象名册;日常入户调查材料等。审批类档案的保管期限为该低保户停保后不少于3年;日常管理类档案的保管期限不少于5年。

第二十条 各县区可以按照本办法的各项规定,结合本地实际制订具体的实施细则。

第二十一条 本办法自2008年9月1日起施行。各县区政府以前出台的相关政策与本办法相抵触的,执行本办法。





第一章 总 则
第一条 为加强化妆品的卫生监督,保证化妆品的卫生质量和使用安全,保障消费者健康,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称的化妆品,是指以涂擦、喷洒或者其他类似的方法,散布于人体表面任何部位(皮肤、毛发、指甲、口唇等),以达到清洁、消除不良气味、护肤、美容和修饰目的的日用化学工业产品。
第三条 国家实行化妆品卫生监督制度。国务院卫生行政部门主管全国化妆品的卫生监督工作,县以上地方各级人民政府的卫生行政部门主管本辖区内化妆品的卫生监督工作。
第四条 凡从事化妆品生产、经营的单位和个人都必须遵守本条例。

第二章 化妆品生产的卫生监督
第五条 对化妆品生产企业的卫生监督实行卫生许可证制度。
第六条 化妆品生产企业必须符合下列卫生要求:
第七条 直接从事化妆品生产的人员,必须每年进行健康检查,取得健康证后方可从事化妆品的生产活动。
第八条 生产化妆品所需的原料、辅料以及直接接触化妆品的容器和包装材料必须符合国家卫生标准。
第九条 使用化妆品新原料生产化妆品,必须经国务院卫生行政部门批准。
第十条 生产特殊用途的化妆品,必须经国务院卫生行政部门批准,取得批准文号后方可生产。
第十一条 生产企业在化妆品投放市场前,必须按照国家《化妆品卫生标准》对产品进行卫生质量检验,对质量合格的产品应当附有合格标记。未经检验或者不符合卫生标准的产品不得出厂。
第十二条 化妆品标签上应当注明产品名称、厂名,并注明生产企业卫生许可证编号;小包装或者说明书上应当注明生产日期和有效使用期限。特殊用途的化妆品,还应当注明批准文号。对可能引起不良反应的化妆品,说明书上应当注明使用方法、注意事项。

第三章 化妆品经营的卫生监督
第十三条 化妆品经营单位和个人不得销售下列化妆品:
第十四条 化妆品的广告宣传不得有下列内容:
第十五条 首次进口的化妆品,进口单位必须提供该化妆品的说明书、质量标准、检验方法等有关资料和样品以及出口国(地区)批准生产的证明文件,经国务院卫生行政部门批准,方可签定进口合同。
第十六条 进口的化妆品,必须经国家商检部门检验;检验合格的,方准进口。

第四章 化妆品卫生监督机构与职责
第十七条 各级卫生行政部门行使化妆品卫生监督职责,并指定化妆品卫生监督检验机构,负责本辖区内化妆品的监督检验工作。
第十八条 国务院卫生行政部门聘请科研、医疗、生产、卫生管理等有关专家组成化妆品安全性评审组,对进口化妆品、特殊用途的化妆品和化妆品新原料进行安全性评审,对化妆品引起的重大事故进行技术鉴定。
第十九条 各级卫生行政部门设化妆品监督员,对化妆品实施卫生监督。
第二十条 化妆品卫生监督员在实施化妆品卫生监督时,应当佩戴证章,出示证件。
第二十一条 化妆品卫生监督员有权按照国家规定向生产企业和经营单位抽检样品,索取与卫生监督有关的安全性资料,任何单位不得拒绝、隐瞒和提供假材料.
第二十二条 各级卫生行政部门和化妆品卫生监督员及卫生监督检验机构不得以技术咨询、技术服务等方式参与生产、销售化妆品,不得监制化妆品。
第二十三条 对因使用化妆品引起不良反应的病例,各医疗单位应当向地卫生行政部门报告。

第五章 罚 则
第二十四条 未取得《化妆品生产企业卫生许可证》的企业擅自生产化妆品的,责令该企业停产,没收产品及违法所得,并且可以处违法所得三到五倍的罚款。
第二十五条 生产未取得批准文号的特殊用途的化妆品,或者使用化妆品禁用原料和未经批准的化妆品新原料的,没收产品及违法所得,处违法所得三到五倍的罚款,并且可以责令该企业停产或者吊销《化妆品生产企业卫生许可证》。
第二十六条 进口或者销售未经批准或者检验的进口化妆品的,没收产品及违法所得,并且可以处违法所得三到五倍的罚款。
第二十七条 生产或者销售不符合国家《化妆品卫生标准》的化妆品的,没收产品及违法所得,并且可以处违法所得三到五倍的罚款。
二十八条 对违反本条例其他有关规定的,处以警告,责令限期改进;情节严重的,对生产企业,可以责令该企业停产或者吊销《化妆品生产企业卫生许可证》,对经营单位,可以责令其停止经营,没收违法所得,并且可以处违法所得二到三倍的罚款。
第二十九条 本条例规定的行政处罚,由县以上卫生行政部门决定。违反本条例第十四条有关广告管理的行政处罚,由工商行政管理部门决定。
第三十条 当事人对卫生行政部门的行政处罚决定不服的,可以在收到通知书次日起十五日内向上一级卫生行政部门申请复议。上一级卫生行政部门应当在三十日内给予答复。当事人对上一级卫生行政部门复议决定不服的,可以在收到复议通知书次日起十五日内向人民法院起诉。但对
第三十一条 对违反本条例造成人体损伤或者发生中毒事故的,有直接的责任的生产企业和经营单位或者个人应负损害赔偿责任。
第三十二条 化妆品卫生监督员滥用职权,营私舞弊以及泄露企业提供的技术资料的,由卫生行政部门给予行政处分,造成严重后果,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第六章 附 则
第三十三条 中国人民解放军所属单位生产的投放市场的化妆品的卫生监督,依照本条例执行。
第三十四条 本条例由国务院卫生行政部门负责解释;实施细则由国务院卫生行政部门制定。
第三十五条 本条例自一九九0年一月一日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on September 26, 1989, and issued
by Decree No. 3 of the Ministry of Public Health on November 13, 1989)

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated to strengthen hygiene supervision over
cosmetics so as to ensure hygiene quality and safety use of cosmetics and
to safeguard the consumers' health.
Article 2
The term "Cosmetics" referred to in these Regulations means those daily
used chemical products applied on the surface of any part of the human
body (such as skin, hair, nails and lips) by way of smearing, spraying or
other similar methods to keep the body clean, to get rid of undesirable
smell, to protect the skin, to make up the face and to increase the beauty
of the appearance.
Article 3
The State shall enforce hygiene supervision over cosmetics. The health
administrative department under the State Council is in charge of the
nationwide hygiene supervisory work on cosmetics while the health
administration departments at or above county government level are in
charge of the hygiene supervisory work on cosmetics within their
respective jurisdiction.
Article 4
All units or persons who are engaged in the production and business of
cosmetics must abide by these Regulations.

Chapter II Hygiene Supervision over the Production of Cosmetics
Article 5
The State shall exercise hygiene supervision over the enterprises engaged
in the production of cosmetics by means of Hygiene License system. Hygiene
License for the Production Enterprise of Cosmetics shall be approved and
issued by the hygiene administration department at the provincial,
autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central Government)
The term of validity of a Hygiene License for the Production Enterprise of
Cosmetics is four years and it must be verified after two years.
No enterprise shall be allowed to engage in the production of cosmetics
without a Hygiene License.
Article 6
A production enterprise of cosmetics must meet the following hygiene
(1) it must be built in a clean area and away from areas contaminated with
poisonous or other harmful matters at a certain distance as required by
the relevant hygiene regulations;
(2) the production building must be strong and clean. The ceiling, walls
and floors inside the workshop must be built with smooth and glazed
material. The workshop must be well-lit and have necessary facilities and
equipment to kill rats and insects and to prevent them from causing harm
to the products and from multiplying;
(3) it must have adequate depository for materials and finished products
and workshops of appropriate capacity for processing and packing purposes;
(4) the workshops must be equipped with the necessary facilities to meet
the specific requirements of the products, and the technological process
must meet the hygiene standard;
(5) it must have testing instruments and qualified technical personnel to
carry out microbiological test on its cosmetic products.
Article 7
The staff and workers directly involved in the production of cosmetics are
required to have a physical check-up every year. Only those who hold a
health certificate shall be allowed to engage in the production.
Any worker who suffers from ringworm of fingers, ringworm of finger-nails,
hand eczema, hand scale, effusive dermatosis, dysentery, typhoid, virus
hepatitis, and active tuberculosis shall not allowed to be directly
engaged in the production of cosmetics.
Article 8
The materials and additives needed in the making of cosmetics and the
immediate containers and packing materials of cosmetics must meet the
State hygiene standards.
Article 9
Before a new kind of material is used to make cosmetics, an application
must be made to the health administrative department under the State
Council for approval. "New kind of material" refers to natural or
synthetic materials that are used to make cosmetics for the first time in
Article 10
The production of special cosmetics must be approved by the health
administrative department under the State Council. Only after an approval
document is obtained from this department can the factory start the
"Special Cosmetics" refer to those substance used for hair nourishment,
hair-dye, hair perm, hair removing, breast massage, deodorant, fading
cream and antisunburn lotion.
Article 11
Before putting its cosmetic products onto the market, the producer is
required to conduct hygiene quality examination in accordance with the
Hygiene Standard for Cosmetics formulated by the State and mark the
qualified products. The products that are not examined or are not up to
the required hygiene standard are not allowed to be shipped out of the
Article 12
On the label of a cosmetic product, the name of the product, the name of
the producer and the serial number of the hygiene license for the
production enterprise must be clearly stated; on the smaller package or
the specification sheet, the date of production and expiry must be stated.
In the case of special cosmetic products, the approval document number
must also be printed. In the case of cosmetics that may cause undesirable
reactions, warnings and instructions on the use of the product must be
stated in the specification sheet. No indications, curative effect and
medical terms are allowed to be written on the label, on the inner packing
or on the specification sheet of cosmetic products.

Chapter III Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics Sales
Article 13
No unit or person in the cosmetics business shall be allowed to sell
cosmetics of the following kinds:
(1) the cosmetics produced by an enterprise without a Hygiene License for
the Production Enterprise of Cosmetics;
(2) the cosmetics without a quality tag;
(3) the cosmetics of which the label, the smaller package or the
specification sheet does not conform to the rules stipulated in Article 12
of these Regulations;
(4) the special cosmetics without an approval document;
(5) the cosmetics that has expired.
Article 14
The following content shall not be allowed to be included in cosmetic
(1) exaggerating the effectiveness of the cosmetic product through its
chosen name and the description of its production method, its properties
and efficacy;
(2) giving a guarantee in the name of other people or giving a hint to
lure consumers into misunderstanding the efficacy of the product;
(3) advertising the medical efficacy of the cosmetic product.
Article 15
When a cosmetic product is imported for the first time, the importing unit
is required to submit to the health administrative department under the
State Council the relevant information such as the specifications, the
quality standard, and the method of testing, and a sample of that
cosmetics together with a production license issued by the official
department of the exporting country (or region). Only after an approval by
the health administrative department under the State Council is obtained
can the importing unit sign the import contract.
Article 16
All imported cosmetics are subject to inspection by the State Bureau of
Import and Export Commodities Inspection. Only those qualified cosmetics
are allowed to be imported. Cosmetics imported in small quantity for
personal use shall follow the import formalities in accordance with
Customs regulations.

Chapter IV The Organ for Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics and Its Duties
Article 17
The health administration departments at all government levels shall
exercise hygiene supervision over cosmetics. They shall entrust an
inspection organ to carry out the specific hygiene supervisory work within
their jurisdiction.
Article 18
The health administrative department under the State Council shall invite
research specialists and experts from medical units, production
enterprises and health administration organs to form an appraisal group
for the safety of cosmetics. They shall make appraisal of the safety of
imported cosmetics, special cosmetics and the new ingredients of
cosmetics. Besides, they make technical investigation in the hazardous
results of cosmetics of poor quality.
Article 19
The health administration departments at all levels shall appoint cosmetic
hygiene supervisors to exercise hygiene supervision over cosmetics.
Cosmetics hygiene supervisors shall be selected by the health
administrative department under the State Council, at the provincial,
autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central Government)
level from among qualified hygiene personnel and shall be issued with
badges and identity cards.
Article 20
When carrying out their duties, the cosmetic hygiene supervisors are
required to wear their badges and show their identity cards. They must
keep confidential the technical data presented by the production
Article 21
Cosmetic hygiene supervisors are vested with the right to conduct sample
testing of the cosmetics of any production or business unit. They may ask
for information of cosmetic safety that is related to their hygiene
supervisory work. No unit shall refuse to provide or withhold the facts,
or to present false material.
Article 22
The health administration departments, the cosmetic hygiene supervisors or
the hygiene supervision and inspection organs at all levels are not
allowed to have a hand in the production, sale or supervision of the
making of cosmetics in the form of technical consultancy, technical
service and under any other pretences.
Article 23
If any medical treatment unit finds out any cases who suffer from
undesirable effect after using a certain cosmetics, it is required to make
a report to the local health administration department.

Chapter V Penalty Provisions
Article 24
If any production enterprise without a Hygiene License for the Production
Enterprise of Cosmetics is found to have made cosmetics without
authorization, it shall be ordered to stop production and its products and
illegal earnings shall be confiscated and a fine 3 to 5 times the illegal
profits shall be imposed on it.
Article 25
If any production enterprise without holding an approval document is found
to have produced special cosmetics or have used prohibited materials or
any new ingredients that had not been previously approved, its products
and illegal earnings shall be confiscated and a fine 3 to 5 times their
illegal profits shall be imposed on it. It may be ordered to stop
production or to have its Hygiene License for the Production Enterprise of
Cosmetics revoked.
Article 26
Those who import or sell imported cosmetics that have not been approved or
examined shall be punished by having their goods and illegal earnings
confiscated and by a fine 3 to 5 times their illegal profits.
As for those enterprises holding an approval document for the production
of special cosmetics, if they violate these provisions and the case is
serious enough, their approval document shall be revoked.
Article 27
Those who produce or sell any cosmetics that are not up to the State
Hygiene Standard for Cosmetics shall be punished by having their products
and illegal earnings confiscated and by a fine 3 to 5 times their illegal
Article 28
If any production enterprise or business enterprise violates other rules
of these Regulations, they shall be given a warning and be ordered to
correct their wrong doings within a prescribed period of time; if the case
is serious enough, in the case of a production enterprise, it shall be
ordered to stop production or to have its Hygiene License for the
Production Enterprise of Cosmetics revoked; and, in the case of a business
enterprise, it shall be ordered to stop business, have its illegal
earnings confiscated and be punished by a fine 2 to 3 times their illegal
Article 29
Disciplinary sanctions for violation of these Regulations shall be decided
by the health administration departments at or above the county level.
Disciplinary sanctions for violation of Article 14 of these Regulations
shall be decided by the administration department for industry and
The punishment by revocation of the Hygiene License for the Production
Enterprise of Cosmetics shall be decided by the health administration
department at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly
under the Central Government) level. The punishment by revocation of the
approval document for the production of special cosmetics shall be decided
by the health administrative department under the State Council. The fine
and confiscation shall all be turned over to the State treasury and the
products confiscated shall be disposed under the supervision of the health
administration department.
Article 30
If the party concerned does not accept the disciplinary sanction imposed
by the health administration department, it may appeal to the health
administration department at a higher level for a review of the case
within 15 days after receiving the notification of the sanction. The
higher health administration department is required to give a reply within
30 days. If it is still not satisfied with the decision made by the health
administration at the higher level, it may bring a suit to the people's
court within 15 days after receiving the notification of the
reconsideration, but it must carry out at once the order of the health
administration department about confiscation of their products and
suspension of production. If, upon the expiration of this period, the
party has neither applied for reconsideration nor complied with the
sanction, the health administration department may request the people's
court to take enforcement at law.
Article 31
In the case that the consumer is harmed physically or poisoned as a result
of violation of these Regulations, the production enterprise, the business
enterprise or the persons who are directly responsible for the
consequences must compensate for the loss. If the case has produced
serious consequences, the party responsible shall be prosecuted for
criminal responsibility by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.
Article 32
Any cosmetic hygiene supervisor who abuses his power or engages in
malpractices for personal gains or discloses the technical data provided
by the enterprise shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions; and if the
case is serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for
criminal responsibility according to law.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 33
Hygiene supervision work over the cosmetics produced and put to sale on
the market by any units in the People's Liberation Army shall be conducted
in accordance with these Regulations.
Article 34
The right to interpret these Regulations resides in the health
administration department under the State Council and the rules for the
implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated by the health
administration department under the State Council.
Article 35
These Regulations shall come into force as of January 1, 1990.
